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Brenda Paganelli
Controller | Los Angeles, CA
While Brenda Paganelli has never lived anywhere but in Los Angeles, she does like to travel. Although she’s far from done exploring the world, to date her favorite island is Cozumel, and her favorite city is Prague. The most influential person in her life is her mother and, now that Brenda’s a mother too, she finds that their relationship is closer than ever.
Brenda keeps busy on her time off with family hikes along the Santa Monica mountains, yoga and gardening. When it comes to food, her favorite types of cuisine are Japanese and French. For dessert? How about profiteroles stuffed with vanilla ice cream & chocolate sauce! If Brenda weren’t working in design, she would have liked to have a career as an art historian.
Fortunately, she’s very satisfied with the vast opportunities and benefits at ENV like staying in the forefront of technology, ongoing training, workplace volunteer activities, pet friendly, and unquestionably the best parties with lots of cake throughout the year.