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Annie Lee
Leadership | New York, NY
Talking to Annie about Interior Design, you will witness joy in its purest form. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and it is impossible not to mirror her bright eyed, wide smile as she recounts how a client clasped her hand in gratitude and thanked her for designing an environment which directly led to communication barriers being torn down. That is the magic of Annie.
It’s not just her charm, keen sense of style, or innovative ideas; (though she has all those in spades) it is the care that she pours into each project, down to the last detail, and her excitement for the space to positively affect real day-to-day change.
Annie has created many works of beauty, but it is the human connection in design she finds most fulfilling.
You can feel the passion for what she does in every word she speaks. Annie began her career as a fashion buyer, not exactly a typical route to architecture, and this experience provided her with a rare perspective on design – from how she approaches a room or building as if it were a person, to her openness to mixing colors and patterns, to her ability to think simultaneously about multiple projects. As a WELL AP and a LEED AP, she is very conscious of the well-being of both people and the earth.
In her free time, Annie never really stops thinking about work .. whether it’s solving design problems at sunrise or finding color inspirations when scuba diving. She enjoys traveling but is hard pressed to name a favorite place, as to her, they are like favorite outfits – you appreciate them for different reasons.