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ENV NJ Brings Home Two Gold Awards
AIA Newark & Suburban Architects recognized two ENV designs at their annual Design Awards 2017.
ENV received the Gold award in both the Built Residential Category and Built Non-Residential Category at the AIA Newark Suburban Architects Design Awards ceremony for Rockleigh, NJ Contemporary Farmhouse and Indiana Travel Plaza, respectively.
The Rockleigh, NJ Farmhouse consists of a 5,600 sqft main house and a detached 1,100 sqft matching “barn” structure, intended to evoke a modern Napa Valley farmhouse. The layout takes advantage of the natural sloping terrain of the site, as well as the incredible views of Northern Valley, Bergen County to the west, all while conforming to the traditional farmhouse style of architecture required within the Rockleigh Historic District.
The Indiana Travel Plaza is a 15,000 sqft structure designed to cater to travelers along the Indiana Toll Road. The building houses multiple food services, retail spaces, restroom facilities and indoor/outdoor dining areas. The structure is a single story building with a raised double story dining area enclosed in glass, which allows for optimal use of natural lighting throughout most of the space while the overhang allows for shading from direct sunlight.
ENV received the Gold award in both the Built Residential Category and Built Non-Residential Category.